Mittwoch, 30. Dezember 2015

VGC 2015 Team: Terrakion, Salamence and helpers

Hallo hallo!
The 2015 season is over now so this is the best time to present the team I have been using almost the whole season. I have played 14 official tournaments this year. In 11 of them I used this team or a variation of it. Well, ironically the only of those I won was actually one of the three where I played something complete different, but anyways the team was doing a great job for me and I think it is definitely worth to present it here. I was actually going to write a bit more about how the year went for me, say a lot of things about how this team evolved during the year and give you some details about how the tournaments influenced my decisions about that, but when I started doing that I saw it would become too long, very soon. Instead, I tried to make it short and present you the final version of the team as I used it at Day 2 of the Pokémon World Championships in Boston, MA, USA.


As you can see, I am running two mega evolutions. I was trying to replace Kangaskhan at German Nationals, but that didn't really pay out. Salamence is a great pokémon in my opinion and I pick it more often, but for some matchups, where it really doesn't do so well, it is very helpful to have Kangaskhan as an alternative, as I will explain later with more details. Also in many Bo3 games I was often exchanging my mega after a game, as an opponent would probably prepare for the one I had picked before and be more weak against the other one at that point.
Apart from that, I think the team compilation is relatively solid. There is no type which hits more than two of my Pokémon very effectively, while I have resistances or immunites to every type in my team and there is no type my team has more weaknesses against than immunities and resistances. Three of my Pokémon have about the same stat on their defense stats, while two are a bit more special defense and one is physical defensive and provides Intimidate support. But obviously, this few facts don't already make a good team, so I am going into details of the single sets right now.

The Sets
Salamence (M) @ Salamencite  
Ability: Intimidate  
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe  
Naive Nature  
- Hyper Voice  
- Double-Edge 
- Draco Meteor   
- Protect  

Mixed Salamence is probably my favourite Pokémon in the VGC15 Meta. Since I usually go for spread damage, I maximized its special attack to deal as much damage as possible to the opposing Pokémon. There aren't a lot of flying resistances hanging around so I can hit Pokémon like Kangaskhan, Landorus, Amoonguss, and many other ones very hard. Double-Edge gives me an option to rather deal important single target damage if that is more important than spread damage and obviously also avoids Wide Guard. It is necessary to hit special defensive fairy types, in fact Gardevoir and Sylveon, hard with Double-Edge to KO them after they took just a little spread damage. Of course there are a lot of other situations where I need to get rid of an opposing Pokémon that otherwise would become too dangerous, like Kangaskhan in some situations. Draco Meteor helps against opposing dragons and is also the most important reason for me to run max speed. It improves my matchup against other Salamences, since not all of them are max speed and even then not all of them run Draco Meteor. Besides that, I needed a move that can deal some damage against electric type Pokémon such as Thundurus and Rotom-W and also had to improve my matchup against non Choice Scarf Hydreigons a bit. Having no Fire type attack could hurt, but in my opinion it's risky to attack an Aegislash with Flamethrower or Fire Blast anyways, since that alone will obviously not get the KO and if the sword has Weakness Policy, I'll most likely lose a Pokémon in that same turn.
The Naive nature was necessary, since I need both attack stats and the speed and having such a high defense as Salamence does was important to me, since it can easily tank even super effective -1 moves in its mega form and powerful attacks of Kangaskhan. The low special defense is still disturbing of course, but I had to lower it by the nature, since all the stats were even more important and with Milotic and Aegislash I also already had two special defensive Pokémon.

Terrakion @ Focus Sash  
Ability: Justified  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Close Combat  
- Rock Slide  
- Earthquake  
- Protect  

I guess, Terrakion always somehow just existed in the metagame. It never was considered as weird non standard stuff, but it also never was too common. For me, the ability to outspeed and OHKO Kangaskhan, as long as it wasn't very bulky, was incredibly worthy. Close Combat deals over 50% to almost any Pokémon that doesn't resist it and is very reliable. Rock Slide is a bit like the opposite, but does good spread damage and is very nice in the combination with Salamence's Hyper Voice against most Pokémon that are no steel types. Terrakion earned some profit of Scarf Landorus-T becoming less popular, since now it has the faster Rock Slide on its side and flinches can obviously save games, although I usually try to avoid this way of winning and try to do it more safe. Earthquake might be an unusual choice for the 3rd slot of Terrakion, but I saw it as an important way, to somehow deal with Aegislash in 2on1 positions together with Salamence. I didn't want to lose even though I was in advance, just because I had no way to hit it and since my play style makes me try to save the fast Pokémon until the very end of the battle, it could often come to this situation. Apart from that, it could also be nice to have a 100% spread move and since my team has to Ground immunities I'd often enough come to use it, if I had to.
As the item I decided to use the Focus Sash, since there are so many moves that can OHKO Terrakion. It doesn't even have bad defenses, but a lot of weaknesses of which many are seen as types of strong moves: Pixilate Hyper Voice, Flash Cannon, Superpower, Play Rouch, Hydro Pump, Close Combat, Earthquake, Psychic, Solar Beam, Iron Head, Waterfall and probably even more. With the Focus Sash, I could play a bit more reckless when using it.
The EVs obviously are going for maximum Attack and Speed, since it doesn't make any sense trying to calc to survive something with the Focus Sash. 4 EVs in Special Defense let opposing Download Pokémon raise their Attack instead of Special Attack.

Rotom-Heat @ Sitrus Berry  
Ability: Levitate  
EVs: 180 HP / 196 SpA / 132 Spe  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Overheat  
- Thunderbolt  
- Will-O-Wisp  
- Protect  

Since the other five Pokémon of my team have a hard time to deal with Aegislash, I definitely needed something to hit that. Rotom did that job very well. It wouldn't take too much damage from Aegislash's moves, could burn it through King's Shield and do lots of damage with Overheat, which even gives it a small chance to OHKO 252/4 variants and getting this KO for sure if I can just get only a little damage on it with a partner. Rotom also was a great switchin for the popular Thundurus, since that couldn't really do much against it besides swagger, while Rotom's STABs deal good damage against it, actually having the potential to defeat Thundurus with first Thunderbolt and then Overheat, avoiding the Sitrus Berry as long as it isn't too special defensive. Even after a special attack drop, Will-o-Wisp allowed me to spread nice burn damage so that I didn't have to waste a move for switching.
The EV Spread allows Rotom to survive an Adamant Kangaskhan's Double-Edge almost everytime as long as it didn't crit, while it is outspeeding Adamant Bisharps and gets OHKOs with Overheat on physical defensive Amoongusses. While I was considering a more offensive Item, I liked the recovery through the Sitrus Berry too much. There aren't too many moves, that can actually take Rotom out with one shot, so it would activate most times and makes it actually bulkier than its stats may let it look like. I also didn't invest 4 EVs in each defense stat, because the HP stat is optimal for the Sitrus this way.

Milotic @ Wacan Berry
Ability: Competitive  
EVs: 164 HP / 180 Def / 76 SpA / 4 SpD / 84 Spe  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Scald  
- Icy Wind  
- Toxic  
- Protect  

This is probably the weirdest set in my team and most people didn't really think, it was good, when they saw it the first time. Actually, I wouldn't say, that this set is generally good, but having played this team for such a long time now, I know that it just fits and that is why I wouldn't change it.
First of all, Scald, Icy Wind and Protect are obviously set on Milotic as Competitive is, too. I think, Landorus-T is just too good against teams with some physical type attackers and no way to punish opposing Intimidates making it the most common Pokémon in the format, which is why I decided to threaten it already in team preview. Toxic is the move that surprises the most. No Recover? Well, this Milotic is just not that kind of Milotic, you usually see, which wants to stick around on the field as long as possible. It actually prepares the field, using Scald, Icy wind and Toxic, to make the way free for the other Pokémon of the team. My matchup against Cresselia and bulky water types like other Milotic, Rotom-W and the now less common Suicune was bad before I was using this set and especially Calm Mind Cresselia could become a very dangerous threat. Toxic however, easily helps to get rid of those Pokémon. Especially Cresselia can't do much damage if I bring Milotic and Rotom-H and will just slowly faint, while I can hit its partner with both my Pokémon. The Wacan Berry helps me, to actually check Rotom-W with this set, since I can toxic it while it does only around 25% with its first Thunderbolt. This way, I can stall down defensive Pokémon and it actually worked out better than one would probably think. The Wacan Berry obviously also improved my Thundurus matchup and made Milotic a possible lead against it. This way, it was also impossible for an opponent to knock out Milotic with a Thundurus+Landorus-T lead even if it was Life Orb Thundurus and I would much more likely get out strong +2 attacks. 
The EV spread makes Milotic outspeed -1 Kangaskhan and obviously everything that is slower. The Bulk lets it, like Rotom, survive Adamant Mega Kangaskhan's Double-Edge almost everytime, while the Modest nature combined with the special attack would give him a nice special attack state, to OHKO most Landorus-T variants with spread +2 Icy Wind as long as it wasn't Assault Vest obviously, though Assault Vest would mean that it isn't scarf, so I can either OHKO Landorus or outspeed it the next turn.
You might probably still not be convinced by this set and as I said I'd agree with you if you said, that this set wasn't generally good (at least I haven't thought about it being used in other teams yet), but it just seems to fit very well in this team, that I wouldn't substitute it with any other Pokémon or set.

Aegislash @ Lum Berry 
Ability: Stance Change  
EVs: 252 HP / 156 SpA / 100 SpD  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Shadow Ball  
- Flash Cannon  
- Wide Guard  
- King's Shield  

You can never have enough against Scarf Landorus, right? While I was playing Amoonguss on this slot before worlds, that gave me a good matchup against rain teams, I saw that my worse matchup against Gardevoir would become a bigger problem. I didn't expect much rain at worlds (and I was confirmed there) so I decided to rather run a set, that deals better with Gardevoir+Amoonguss teams and could also work against Rock Slide spam. I also hadn't had a steel type until this point and since you can switch in Aegislash in so many moves, this was one more reason to actually play it.
The move set is mostly standard. I also tried a Substitute set, but I saw that I wanted to have both Wide Guard and Flash Cannon on the Aegislash and as Shadow Ball and King's Shield are obviously set, there was no space to play Sub. Status though was annoying and I considered playing Safety Goggles for a great matchup against teams with Gardevoir and Amoonguss. However, I would still be very weak against other status than sleep and Dark Void, of course. This is why I decided to run Lum Berry - and it appeared, that I didn't meet any spore attack, but lots of Swagger, Will-o-Wisp, Thunder Wave and Scald at worlds, so at least for that tournament run it was definitely the right decision. I think a Pokémon like Aegislash which has no good way to get rid of fast status, since it doesn't have any way to avoid it, is a good one to wear a Lum Berry.
The EV split gives Aegislash some Special Defense, that let it survive Life Orb Shadow Ball of other Aegislashs with 93.75% chance and Hydreigon's Choice Specs Dark Pulse with 87.5% chance (calculating with 252 EVs in Special Attack and a modest nature, critical hits aren't fincluded in this calculation). Even max special attack Modest Charizards have only a 43.75% chance to OHKO Aegislash with Heat Wave in sun and if they don't run max Special Attack, the chance of surviving of course even grows. Losing some damage output is the negative part of the defensive investment indeed, but as I planned Aegislash also as a supporter regarding Wide Guard and also a nice switch in to all kinds of moves, I think, that the additional bulk worthes the lack of damage output. And 209 special attack stat in Blade form is still a high one I guess.

Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite  
Ability: Inner Focus  
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Fake Out  
- Double-Edge  
- Sucker Punch  
- Low Kick  

Well, this set doesn't need lots of explination, does it? Rather should I explain, why I am running it in my team, since I already have a Mega Evolution.
There are some match ups I really don't like to play with Salamence. Also if my opponent has too many ways to OHKO Salamence or too many Pokémon, that aren't affected by it. Those Pokémon are often more weak to Kangaskhan. And obviously noone can seriously disagree that Kangaskhan is a super strong Pokémon. Thundurus, Rotom-W, Gardevoir, Sylveon, Politoed, Ludicolo, Cresselia and Tyranitar are some of the Pokémon, against I prefer to pick Kangaskhan, if there are too many of them on the opposing team. Especially my rain matchup is really improved by Kangaskhan. Leading it and Aegislash gives me a good position against Politoed and Ludicolo. I can abuse the Inner Focus Ability to either Fake out the Politoed for sure and attack with Aegislash or actually double target the Ludicolo with non mega Double-Edge and Shadow Ball, which KOes, if it isn't running lots of bulk. Salamence has four weaknesses, one of them is even a double, while Kangaskhan has only one. This makes it just more reliable in some matchups and is the main reason to play it. When I replaced it in German Nats, I really saw I missed it, going only 5-4, not earning any CP at all. In fact, Kangaskhan isn't picked very often, but there are times, where I definitely need it to improve my match up.

How do I play them?
If you asked me which of my picks is the most often, I would probably say Milotic as a lead, either Salamence or Rotom-Heat next to it while the other one stays in my backhand together with Terrakion. Aegislash and Kangaskhan aren't seen as often as the other four, since they are actually more made for some specific matchups. I usually pay some attention, that Salamence isn't getting knocked out or crippled too early during the match, while same goes for Terrakion, though I don't lead that often anyways. Then I often will get damage and status out with Milotic and also Rotom and then get the weakened Pokémon down with the strong fast attacks of Terrakion and Salamence. Here are some possible match ups and how I play against them
Against CHALKT I usually lead Salamence and Milotic. Salamence is important to ensure by immediately getting out the intimidate, that an opposing Kangaskhan doesn't become too strong in the beginning of the match. If my opponent leads Thundurus, I usually switch out Salamence into my rotom, that can easily tank a Hidden Power Ice or just absorb a Thunder Wave, while Milotic gets out Icy Wind, Scald or Toxic, depending, what is next to Thundurus. Apart from that electric djinn, CHALK doesn't do too well against my team and I don't have a lot of problems with it.
charizard-mega-y + stuff
Charizard is definitely one of the easiest match ups for my team. Having four fire resistances (actually one of each type that resists fire), it won't be able to just 2HKO everything on my team with Heat Wave. Rotom-Heat, Terrakion and Salamence all three have a great matchup and even Kangaskhan does OK against it, so that I sometimes decide to bring rather it than Salamence, if Charizard's partners are threatening Salamence too much.
gardevoir-mega ( +amoonguss) + stuff
Gardevoir is more annoying than Charizard, though my Aegislash really helps me in this matchup. I often lead Salamence and Milotic and if my opponents decides to bring Gardy just at the beginning, I already have a 50% chance that my Milotic gets a +2 boosts, if Gardevoir traces Intimidate. If it traces Competitive by the way, that's still OK, since Salamence's Intimidate comes before Gardevoir can trace the Competitive, anyways. Having Aegislash in the back, I have a good way to deal with Hyper Voice, while the last slot depends on the rest of the opposing team. If my opponent doesn't have Amoonguss, I actually often decide to bring Kangaskhan rather than Salamence, since this doesn't get knocked out by Hyper Voice and instead does OHKO with Double-Edge in the most cases. Against Gardevoir, it really depends on how the opposing team exactly looks like, but the matchup is still ok against it.
Sand is one of the more annoying play styles to deal with. Kangaskhan does OK against Tyranitar and Excadrill, but gets problems with Salamence's Intimidate while if I bring Milotic next to it I get big problems with Amoonguss. Terrakion's Focus Sash becomes very important in this matchup definitely, so that it can survive Excadrills strong STAB moves and hit back, as long as it doesn't flinch of course. If I bring Kangaskhan, I actually have to bring Rotom-Heat if my opponent plays Amoonguss, since there is no way to beat it with my team besides Overheat, when Salamence isn't picked. Rotom-Heat however gets trouble with the sand attackers and Rotom-Wash. This is really a tough one and I can't prepare for all the stuff, my opponent could probably bring, though sand is still definitely no auto loss.
politoedludicolo/swampert-mega+ stuff
Rain isn't really nice to play against, though the standard Ludicolo and Politoed lead can be beaten as I explained earlier. Swampert however is much harder and if the team around it is built well enough to stop my checks, it is very, very hard to have a chance. Pascal K. who is named Moeper online built a hybrid team of Perish Trap and rain, against whose rain mode I didn't really stay a chance when I faced him in the Arena Cup Würzburg Regional's final. Three months later I also lost against this team in Leiden used by Fatih Y. (Matripex) in swiss. This team really comes the closest to an unwinnable matchup for me.

Tournament Results
As I told you, I was playing this team over the whole year in 11 different tournaments. Its best results are below. I also list up all my opponents at the 2015 World Championships, their teams and how our matches went out and my last opponents in each of the other tournaments as well.
salamence-mega.pngterrakion.pngrotom-heat.pngmilotic.pngamoonguss.pngkangaskhan-mega.png Arnhem Regional Championships: 5th place (7-0 in swiss), tardiness loss in top cut because of a motoring accident.
salamence-mega.pngterrakion.pngrotom-heat.pngmilotic.pngamoonguss.pngkangaskhan-mega.png UK National Championships: 5th place (9-0 in Swiss), lost to Arash Ommati (Mean) in Top 8
salamence-mega.pngterrakion.pngrotom-heat.pngmilotic.pngaegislash.pngkangaskhan-mega.png Pokémon World Championships in Boston Day 2: 17th place (5-2 in Swiss)
Round 1: flag_italy Alberto Gini (BraindeadPrimeape) kangaskhan-mega.pngconkeldurr.pngbisharp.pngthundurus.pnglandorus-therian.pngheatran.png Lost 1-2 (won g2)
Round 2: flag_singapore Wai Yin Low (TextFont) kangaskhan-mega.pngsylveon.pngtalonflame.pngbisharp.pnglandorus-therian.pngrotom-wash.pngWon 2-1 (lost g1)
Round 3: flag_mexico Genaro Vallejo (ReckonerX)salamence-mega.pngvenusaur-mega.pngaegislash.pngterrakion.pngthundurus.pngvolcarona.png Lost 0-2
Round 4: flag_usa Toler Webb (Dim) charizard-mega-y.pngkangaskhan-mega.pnglandorus-therian.pngcresselia.pngrotom-wash.pngheatran.png Won 2-1 (lost g2)
Round 5: flag_italy Tirso Buttafuoco (Fuoco24) charizard-mega-y.pngcresselia.pnglandorus-therian.pngbisharp.pngthundurus.pngconkeldurr.png Won 2-1 (lost g2)
Round 6: flag_japan Kotaro Nakagome (maikeru) salamence-mega.pngsmeargle.pnglucario.pngaurorus.pnglandorus-therian.pngchandelure.png Won 2-0
Round 7: flag_usa Nikolai Zielinski (Nikolai) charizard-mega-y.pngconkeldurr.pnglandorus-therian.pngheatran.pngthundurus.pngcresselia.png Won 2-0

salamence-mega.pngterrakion.pngrotom-heat.pngmilotic.pngaegislash.pngkangaskhan-mega.png Arena Cup Würzburg Regional Championships: 2nd place (6-1 in Swiss), lost to Pascal Kiefer (Moeper) in finals
salamence-mega.pngterrakion.pngrotom-heat.pngmilotic.pngaegislash.pngkangaskhan-mega.png Arena Cup Berlin Regional Championships: 2nd place (7-0 in Swiss), lost to Mathias Grauer (Dreykopff) in finals

Well, obviously the two finals where my team was recorded I got some not so nice match ups. But well, at least it's something.
Final of the Arena Cup in Würzburg 

Final of the Arena Cup in Berlin

My team played by 13Yoshi37 on his Youtube Channel (thanks to him for featuring it!)

and four more videos featuring my team which you can find on his channel besides many more good videos about VGC'15 and VGC'16!

Closing words
I want to thank all the people that have made this year of VGC very awesome for me. There are too many that would deserve to be mentioned, so please don't be disappointed, if you expected yourself to be listed by name here and you are not.
Thanks to my friends wushl, Mence, Arndt, Feis, Dome, jonas and sewadle for a lot of fun during all the year!
Thanks to my friends wushl and Bjart with who I travelled to numerous VGC events this year!
Thanks to my friends wushl, Moeper, Damir, Doriki and Driss who let me stay in their apartments for attending VGC events!
Thanks to the guys from all around that made worlds once again an amazing event. I want to remark Ezrael at this point who was a great room mate and made it much more fun for me in Boston. Also thanks to the guys I was spending time with in New York City!
Thanks to all the people I spent time with at Premier Challenges, Regionals and Nationals for making those events so much fun!
Thanks to all of my opponents during this season, I really liked to play the VGC15 mode!
Last but not least thank you for reading this team report!

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